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JD – „Schau dich in einem Spiegel mit einer Kerze an“

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Zuerst muss ich sagen, dass ich in meinem Keller war und ich schwöre, ich habe etwas aus dem Augenwinkel gesehen! Mein Keller ist mein Arbeitsplatz für private Arbeiten 😱. Wir haben einige sehr gruselige Ereignisse aufgrund dessen, was unter unserem Haus entdeckt wurde (Während wir hier sprechen, wird keine Scherzarbeit erledigt). Ich habe sie nicht für die Aura- oder Geisterjagd gekauft, sondern für Effekte und Tricks der Beleuchtung beim Malen mit Leuchtfarbe mische ich auch meine eigenen Farben für den gewünschten Effekt. Doch seit einer Stunde sehe ich meine Frau in einem anderen Licht an, sie hat eine seltsame farbige Unschärfe um sich herum, plötzlich ist mein Gehirn jetzt verwirrt. Je länger ich diese Brille auf hatte, desto mehr sah ich, dass ich eigentlich eine Pause brauche. Diese machen aufgrund meines Hobbys süchtig👀. Ich habe viele Arten von farbigen Linsen für die Art von Arbeit, in der ich arbeite. Diese Brille beschleunigt das, wofür ich sie brauche. Der Effekt, wenn rotes oder grünes Licht auf blaues Licht trifft, verändert die Brille zusammen mit dem Rauch einer Nebelmaschine einfach den Effekt durch eine Explosion einer mystischen Umgebung zusammen mit meinen privaten Gemälden für verschiedene Glaubenssysteme (meine Lippen sind versiegelt, sorry). Dies erhöht die Geschwindigkeit, mit der ich erledige, was ich brauche. Mit der Brille kann ich auch bestimmte Farben trennen, was normalerweise ein großes Problem wäre. Die Umrisse und Details knallen einfach mit dieser Brille. Nebenbei bemerkt, wenn Sie zu Hause Meereslebewesen besitzen, wie wir es wieder tun, sind dies ein Bonus!😱Sei gewarnt.

Giuseppe – „Sehr schön“

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Gutes Produkt, sehr entspannende Wirkung, bezüglich des Aura-Sehens bedarf es meiner Meinung nach nur etwas Übung, da ich irgendwann eine Schicht um meine Hand sehen kann.

Anita Heinz – „Visionen seit 6 Jahren“

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Ich habe seit 6 Visionen und es wird nur noch schlimmer für das, was passieren wird. Alle echten Spiritisten, die wissen, müssen aufwachen und zusammenkommen. Wir müssen, dass sie nicht gewinnen können, wir müssen sie übertreffen, nicht umgekehrt. Wie auch immer, genug Luft über den Zustand der Welt! Ich dachte eigentlich, dass dies ein Betrug war, bevor ich sie kaufte, da ich in der Vergangenheit schlechte Erfahrungen mit spirituellen/paranormalen Produkten gemacht hatte, aber die Brille funktioniert und ich spüre auch die Authentizität des Herstellers.

dicyanin dye style aura glasses goggles ghost hunting human equipment spirit box rem pod EMF meter how to see auras paranormal haunted real ghosts walter kilner augustine evp kirlian uv flashlight torch ufo ufos real occult metaphysical healing soul science wikipedia energy light spectrum camera adventures phasmophobia game dowsing hands of specs pranaview prana chi meditation Aura Glasses See Auras instantly dicyanin dye aura glasses aura goggles ghost hunting reiki metaphysical orgone goggles dicyanin chi st augustine hunt ghost adventures zak bagan spirit spiritual prana energy sacred science youtube scary haunted doll dolls auric geometry aura brille aura brillen aura-brille q74you supernatural aurora mysteries gaia gaiatv gaia tv investigation walter kilner theosophy wicca wiccan magic magick psychic clairvoyant medium ghosts soulscience2012 soulscience buddhist buddhism new age tao angels quartz crystals crystal rare buddah paranormal witness haunted haunting barbara brennan hands of light water youtube russell nikola tesla weird bizarre official aura glasses aura zak bagan ghost adventures creepy video canon puma adidas nike timberland coca cola coke pepsi mcdonalds nike shoes shirt lotion device gadget orgonite facebook twitter instagram google gmail world dicyanin dye cup football cristiano ronaldo lionel messi kirlian photography telepathy radionics akashic records radiothesia occult science flower of life nintendo sega microsoft xbox sony real madrid mystery playstation ps4 call of duty final fantasy the walking dead soul awakening spirit ouija board halloween the feild linda pranaview prana view museum of tarot & witchcraft mctaggart new age ps5 ps6 tesla usa uk australia germany deutschland france francais book books dvds aura view auraview socks blouse shorts trousers car mazda mercedes renault clio bmw youtube ethereal etheric ether aether athereal advanced cymaticized wayne dyer ekhart tolle tao zen guided meditation relaxation vibration vibrational medicine herb herbal remedy alternative healing angel cards readings tarot aura pictures gemstones amethyst rose titanium rainbow point cluster healing angel natural silicon specimen bismuth spell magick chakra ghost hunting equipment evp detector dowsing gauss meter rods dicyanin goggles christ infrared wendy lambert dicyanin lucid dreaming teal swan amazon energetic hermes trismadistus the kybalion bible christian faith indian worship tao kirlian photography camera uv blacklight gauss meter reader aura goggles prana view kit tool esp pendant awareness love divine blavatsky device radiathesia theosophy therapy gem gemstone gems pointed pagan gucci georgio armani timberland boots shoes camera white noise entity doll holy ether etheric ethereal aether trinity jesus christian christianity mormon freemason alien aliens x files extra terrestrial superman super hero ball invisible dicyanin dye plasma uv infra red natural development sage insence oils homeopathy aromatherapy oil cymaticized dicyanin reiki chakras crystals crystal gemstone meditation rem pod meter emf evp detector detectors thermal imaging spirt spiritpod ghost hunting paranormal spirit box rem pod tool torch meter uv emf #hauntedlocations #haunt #abandoned #mosthaunted #spiritbox #urbex #paranormalresearch #ghostpictures #paranormale #paranormalteam #strange #hauntings near me #hauntedhistory #ghosthunting #paranormal #ghost #haunted #ghosts #paranormalinvestigation #paranormalactivity #ghosthunters #spirits #spirit #spooky #ghosthunter #ghostadventures #ghoststories #hauntedplaces #haunting #scary #creepy #hauntedhouse #ghosthunt #supernatural #paranormalinvestigator #paranormalinvestigators #ghostbusters #halloween #horror #podcast #evp #bhfyp #paranormalevidence #afterlife #investigation #graveyards #paranormalinvestigations #weirdnorfolk #ghostly #bestofhorror #churches #spiritual #ghosteduk #scarystories #ghostbox #ghoststory #demons #poltergeist #ghosttown #doyoubelieveinghosts #Celeb_GhostHunt #paranormal #haunted #ghosthunters #paranormal #ghosts #dicyanin #dicyanindye #dicyaningoggles #dicyaninglasses www.officialauraglasses.com www.dicyanin.de www.auraglasses.co.uk www.dicyanin.co.uk

dicyanin dye style aura glasses goggles ghost hunting human equipment spirit box rem pod EMF meter how to see auras paranormal haunted real ghosts walter kilner augustine evp kirlian uv flashlight torch ufo ufos real occult metaphysical healing soul science wikipedia energy light spectrum camera adventures phasmophobia game dowsing hands of specs pranaview prana chi meditation Aura Glasses See Auras instantly dicyanin dye aura glasses aura goggles ghost hunting reiki metaphysical orgone goggles dicyanin chi st augustine hunt ghost adventures zak bagan spirit spiritual prana energy sacred science youtube scary haunted doll dolls auric geometry aura brille aura brillen aura-brille q74you supernatural aurora mysteries gaia gaiatv gaia tv investigation walter kilner theosophy wicca wiccan magic magick psychic clairvoyant medium ghosts soulscience2012 soulscience buddhist buddhism new age tao angels quartz crystals crystal rare buddah paranormal witness haunted haunting barbara brennan hands of light water youtube russell nikola tesla weird bizarre official aura glasses aura zak bagan ghost adventures creepy video canon puma adidas nike timberland coca cola coke pepsi mcdonalds nike shoes shirt lotion device gadget orgonite facebook twitter instagram google gmail world dicyanin dye cup football cristiano ronaldo lionel messi kirlian photography telepathy radionics akashic records radiothesia occult science flower of life nintendo sega microsoft xbox sony real madrid mystery playstation ps4 call of duty final fantasy the walking dead soul awakening spirit ouija board halloween the feild linda pranaview prana view museum of tarot & witchcraft mctaggart new age ps5 ps6 tesla usa uk australia germany deutschland france francais book books dvds aura view auraview socks blouse shorts trousers car mazda mercedes renault clio bmw youtube ethereal etheric ether aether athereal advanced cymaticized wayne dyer ekhart tolle tao zen guided mediótation relaxation vibration vibrational medicine herb herbal remedy alternative healing angel cards readings tarot aura pictures gemstones amethyst rose titanium rainbow point cluster healing angel natural silicon specimen bismuth spell magick chakra ghost hunting equipment evp detector dowsing gauss meter rods dicyanin goggles christ infrared wendy lambert dicyanin lucid dreaming teal swan amazon energetic hermes trismadistus the kybalion bible christian faith indian worship tao kirlian photography camera uv blacklight gauss meter reader aura goggles prana view kit tool esp pendant awareness love divine blavatsky device radiathesia theosophy therapy gem gemstone gems pointed pagan gucci georgio armani timberland boots shoes camera white noise entity doll holy ether etheric ethereal aether trinity jesus christian christianity mormon freemason alien aliens x files extra terrestrial superman super hero ball invisible dicyanin dye plasma uv infra red natural development sage insence oils homeopathy aromatherapy oil cymaticized dicyanin reiki chakras crystals crystal gemstone meditation rem pod meter emf evp detector detectors thermal imaging spirt spiritpod ghost hunting paranormal spirit box rem pod tool torch meter uv emf #hauntedlocations #haunt #abandoned #mosthaunted #spiritbox #urbex #paranormalresearch #ghostpictures #paranormale #paranormalteam #strange #hauntings near me #hauntedhistory #ghosthunting #paranormal #ghost #haunted #ghosts #paranormalinvestigation #paranormalactivity #ghosthunters #spirits #spirit #spooky #ghosthunter #ghostadventures #ghoststories #hauntedplaces #haunting #scary #creepy #hauntedhouse #ghosthunt #supernatural #paranormalinvestigator #paranormalinvestigators #ghostbusters #halloween #horror #podcast #evp #bhfyp #paranormalevidence #afterlife #investigation #graveyards #paranormalinvestigations #weirdnorfolk #ghostly #bestofhorror #churches #spiritual #ghosteduk #scarystories #ghostbox #ghoststory #demons #poltergeist #ghosttown #doyoubelieveinghosts #Celeb_GhostHunt #paranormal #haunted #ghosthunters #paranormal #ghosts #dicyanin #dicyanindye #dicyaningoggles #dicyaninglasses www.officialauraglasses.com www.dicyanin.de www.auraglasses.co.uk www.dicyanin.co.uk

dicyanin dye style aura glasses goggles ghost hunting human equipment spirit box rem pod EMF meter how to see auras paranormal haunted real ghosts walter kilner augustine evp kirlian uv flashlight torch ufo ufos real occult metaphysical healing soul science wikipedia energy light spectrum camera adventures phasmophobia game dowsing hands of specs pranaview prana chi meditation Aura Glasses See Auras instantly dicyanin dye aura glasses aura goggles ghost hunting reiki metaphysical orgone goggles dicyanin chi st augustine hunt ghost adventures zak bagan spirit spiritual prana energy sacred science youtube scary haunted doll dolls auric geometry aura brille aura brillen aura-brille q74you supernatural aurora mysteries gaia gaiatv gaia tv investigation walter kilner theosophy wicca wiccan magic magick psychic clairvoyant medium ghosts soulscience2012 soulscience buddhist buddhism new age tao angels quartz crystals crystal rare buddah paranormal witness haunted haunting barbara brennan hands of light water youtube russell nikola tesla weird bizarre official aura glasses aura zak bagan ghost adventures creepy video canon puma adidas nike timberland coca cola coke pepsi mcdonalds nike shoes shirt lotion device gadget orgonite facebook twitter instagram google gmail world dicyanin dye cup football cristiano ronaldo lionel messi kirlian photography telepathy radionics akashic records radiothesia occult science flower of life nintendo sega microsoft xbox sony real madrid mystery playstation ps4 call of duty final fantasy the walking dead soul awakening spirit ouija board halloween the feild linda pranaview prana view museum of tarot & witchcraft mctaggart new age ps5 ps6 tesla usa uk australia germany deutschland france francais book books dvds aura view auraview socks blouse shorts trousers car mazda mercedes renault clio bmw youtube ethereal etheric ether aether athereal advanced cymaticized wayne dyer ekhart tolle tao zen guided meditation relaxation vibration vibrational medicine herb herbal remedy alternative healing angel cards readings tarot aura pictures gemstones amethyst rose titanium rainbow point cluster healing angel natural silicon specimen bismuth spell magick chakra ghost hunting equipment evp detector dowsing gauss meter rods dicyanin goggles christ infrared wendy lambert dicyanin lucid dreaming teal swan amazon energetic hermes trismadistus the kybalion bible christian faith indian worship tao kirlian photography camera uv blacklight gauss meter reader aura goggles prana view kit tool esp pendant awareness love divine blavatsky device radiathesia theosophy therapy gem gemstone gems pointed pagan gucci georgio armani timberland boots shoes camera white noise entity doll holy ether etheric ethereal aether trinity jesus christian christianity mormon freemason alien aliens x files extra terrestrial superman super hero ball invisible dicyanin dye plasma uv infra red natural development sage insence oils homeopathy aromatherapy oil cymaticized dicyanin reiki chakras crystals crystal gemstone meditation rem pod meter emf evp detector detectors thermal imaging spirt spiritpod ghost hunting paranormal spirit box rem pod tool torch meter uv emf #hauntedlocations #haunt #abandoned #mosthaunted #spiritbox #urbex #paranormalresearch #ghostpictures #paranormale #paranormalteam #strange #hauntings near me #hauntedhistory #ghosthunting #paranormal #ghost #haunted #ghosts #paranormalinvestigation #paranormalactivity #ghosthunters #spirits #spirit #spooky #ghosthunter #ghostadventures #ghoststories #hauntedplaces #haunting #scary #creepy #hauntedhouse #ghosthunt #supernatural #paranormalinvestigator #paranormalinvestigators #ghostbusters #halloween #horror #podcast #evp #bhfyp #paranormalevidence #afterlife #investigation #graveyards #paranormalinvestigations #weirdnorfolk #ghostly #bestofhorror #churches #spiritual #ghosteduk #scarystories #ghostbox #ghoststory #demons #poltergeist #ghosttown #doyoubelieveinghosts #Celeb_GhostHunt #paranormal #haunted #ghosthunters #paranormal #ghosts #dicyanin #dicyanindye #dicyaningoggles #dicyaninglasses www.officialauraglasses.com www.dicyanin.de www.auraglasses.co.uk www.dicyanin.co.uk

dicyanin dye style aura glasses goggles ghost hunting human equipment spirit box rem pod EMF meter how to see auras paranormal haunted real ghosts walter kilner augustine evp kirlian uv flashlight torch ufo ufos real occult metaphysical healing soul science wikipedia energy light spectrum camera adventures phasmophobia game dowsing hands of specs pranaview prana chi meditation Aura Glasses See Auras instantly dicyanin dye aura glasses aura goggles ghost hunting reiki metaphysical orgone goggles dicyanin chi st augustine hunt ghost adventures zak bagan spirit spiritual prana energy sacred science youtube scary haunted doll dolls auric geometry aura brille aura brillen aura-brille q74you supernatural aurora mysteries gaia gaiatv gaia tv investigation walter kilner theosophy wicca wiccan magic magick psychic clairvoyant medium ghosts soulscience2012 soulscience buddhist buddhism new age tao angels quartz crystals crystal rare buddah paranormal witness haunted haunting barbara brennan hands of light water youtube russell nikola tesla weird bizarre official aura glasses aura zak bagan ghost adventures creepy video canon puma adidas nike timberland coca cola coke pepsi mcdonalds nike shoes shirt lotion device gadget orgonite facebook twitter instagram google gmail world dicyanin dye cup football cristiano ronaldo lionel messi kirlian photography telepathy radionics akashic records radiothesia occult science flower of life nintendo sega microsoft xbox sony real madrid mystery playstation ps4 call of duty final fantasy the walking dead soul awakening spirit ouija board halloween the feild linda pranaview prana view museum of tarot & witchcraft mctaggart new age ps5 ps6 tesla usa uk australia germany deutschland france francais book books dvds aura view auraview socks blouse shorts trousers car mazda mercedes renault clio bmw youtube ethereal etheric ether aether athereal advanced cymaticized wayne dyer ekhart tolle tao zen guided meditation relaxation vibration vibrational medicine herb herbal remedy alternative healing angel cards readings tarot aura pictures gemstones amethyst rose titanium rainbow point cluster healing angel natural silicon specimen bismuth spell magick chakra ghost hunting equipment evp detector dowsing gauss meter rods dicyanin goggles christ infrared wendy lambert dicyanin lucid dreaming teal swan amazon energetic hermes trismadistus the kybalion bible christian faith indian worship tao kirlian photography camera uv blacklight gauss meter reader aura goggles prana view kit tool esp pendant awareness love divine blavatsky device radiathesia theosophy therapy gem gemstone gems pointed pagan gucci georgio armani timberland boots shoes camera white noise entity doll holy ether etheric ethereal aether trinity jesus christian christianity mormon freemason alien aliens x files extra terrestrial superman super hero ball invisible dicyanin dye plasma uv infra red natural development sage insence oils homeopathy aromatherapy oil cymaticized dicyanin reiki chakras crystals crystal gemstone meditation rem pod meter emf evp detector detectors thermal imaging spirt spiritpod ghost hunting paranormal spirit box rem pod tool torch meter uv emf #hauntedlocations #haunt #abandoned #mosthaunted #spiritbox #urbex #paranormalresearch #ghostpictures #paranormale #paranormalteam #strange #hauntings near me #hauntedhistory #ghosthunting #paranormal #ghost #haunted #ghosts #paranormalinvestigation #paranormalactivity #ghosthunters #spirits #spirit #spooky #ghosthunter #ghostadventures #ghoststories #hauntedplaces #haunting #scary #creepy #hauntedhouse #ghosthunt #supernatural #paranormalinvestigator #paranormalinvestigators #ghostbusters #halloween #horror #podcast #evp #bhfyp #paranormalevidence #afterlife #investigation #graveyards #paranormalinvestigations #weirdnorfolk #ghostly #bestofhorror #churches #spiritual #ghosteduk #scarystories #ghostbox #ghoststory #demons #poltergeist #ghosttown #doyoubelieveinghosts #Celeb_GhostHunt #paranormal #haunted #ghosthunters #paranormal #ghosts #dicyanin #dicyanindye #dicyaningoggles #dicyaninglasses www.officialauraglasses.com www.dicyanin.de www.auraglasses.co.uk www.dicyanin.co.uk

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